Member of the Month: Ardalan Mohammadi


The CDSRA Member of the Month features referees of different ages, levels, and backgrounds to reflect the diversity in our referee community and our association. Our March 2024 Member of the Month is Ardalan Mohammadi.

Questions & Answers:

Q: Current Referee Level & Highest level attained:
I am currently a District referee upgrading to regional this year.

Q: When did you begin, and what motivated you to start refereeing? 
A: Two years ago, I embarked on my journey as a referee. My love for soccer ignited during my early years, and after numerous seasons of playing, a close friend suggested I try my hand at refereeing. That suggestion marked the beginning of a fulfilling career that has become an integral part of my life.

What keeps me driven, you ask? It's my unwavering passion for the game. Contrary to popular belief, referees aren't just bystanders; we're essential contributors to the flow and fairness of each match. Without us, chaos could easily ensue. Thus, it's our duty to ensure that every game is not only fair but also enjoyable for all involved. Refereeing isn't merely a role; it's a commitment to upholding the spirit of the sport and ensuring its integrity on and off the field.

Q: What has been your most enjoyable game/memory of your referee career?
In the summer of 2023, I was presented with a significant opportunity and privilege: officiating a major USPORTS match between the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta. It was a momentous occasion for me as it marked the first time I experienced the national anthem before kickoff, which was truly an honor. The game itself was incredibly competitive and undoubtedly the fastest-paced match I've ever been a part of. It was an exhilarating experience that I will always cherish.

Q: What do you love most about refereeing? 
A: My favorite aspect of refereeing goes beyond the rules outlined in the Soccer Laws of the Game. It's the camaraderie formed between myself, the players, and the coaches. Coming from a background as a former player, I've encountered the common misconception that a referee's role is solely to enforce rules such as calling fouls and offsides. However, for me, refereeing offers a platform to make a positive difference beyond officiating gameplay.

Whether it's lending a hand to an injured player, contributing to the development of younger teams, or simply offering support to someone in need on the field, these moments encapsulate why I referee. At its core, soccer is about enjoyment and camaraderie. I take pride in fostering an environment where everyone can have fun while participating in the game. Ultimately, it's the human connections and the shared love for the sport that make refereeing truly rewarding for me.

Q: When did you first become a CDSRA member and what encouraged you to join? 
A: I became a member of CDSRA (Calgary District Soccer Referees Association) during my inaugural season as a referee, thanks to the recommendation of a close friend who introduced me to refereeing. Joining CDSRA has been instrumental in my development as a referee, providing me with invaluable opportunities to network with hundreds of fellow referees, including FIFA officials, at various events.

Moreover, CDSRA offers essential resources such as IRTs (Integrated Referee Training sessions), which have significantly contributed to my growth as a referee by learning from seasoned referees and national instructors. The support and guidance provided by CDSRA are indispensable for referee development, making it an essential organization for anyone passionate about officiating.

Q: What advice would you give to somebody just starting out refereeing? 
A: My advice to anyone just starting out in refereeing is simple: believe in yourself and don't let setbacks hold you back. We've all been there – making a bad judgment call or misinterpreting a foul. It's a natural part of the learning process, both in refereeing and in life. The key is to embrace those moments, learn from your mistakes, and use them as opportunities for growth. Accept that mistakes happen, adapt by understanding what went wrong, and strive to prevail by improving with each experience. Refereeing, much like life, is about resilience and perseverance. Remember, dwelling on mistakes will only hinder your progress. Instead, focus on overcoming challenges, and you'll find yourself becoming a better referee with each game. Believe in yourself, learn from your experiences, and watch as your skills and confidence flourish on the field.

Q: What do you do outside of refereeing and what are some of your interests? 
A: Outside of refereeing, I lead an active lifestyle and have a deep appreciation for the great outdoors. Throughout the year, you'll often find me immersing myself in the beauty of the mountains. During the winter months, I indulge in skiing and snowshoeing, reveling in the tranquility of snowy landscapes and the adrenaline rush of downhill runs. As the snow melts away and summer arrives, I transition to pursuits such as trail running and technical alpine climbing. These activities not only keep me physically fit but also provide me with a sense of adventure and connection to nature that rejuvenates my spirit.

MOTMJoshua GallComment